Daxtromn Solar Inverter How To Setting Wifi Monitor And PC Online Monitor?
Mar 25,2023 | Daxtromn power
Daxtromn power How to setting wifi monitor?
1.Down load APP here https://daxtromn-power.com/pages/solar-inverter-monitor
2.when install the App Then setting as the video.
3.if need PC online monitor go to https://daxtromn-power.com/pages/solar-inverter-monitor login in with the account and password that you have resgister on app have problem contact us at flins@daxtromn-power.com
There some important tips when setting wifi:
1.the WIFI network must be 2.4G if 5G not support
2.the wifi name and password must not contain special characters
√right example: wifi:daxtromnpower password:daxtromninverter21
×Wrong example:daxtromn-power password:daxtromninverter@